Sunday, May 30, 2010

a city summer

there are many things worlds different about the city & the south. the way people speak, look, dress, eat, drink, play, work. all of it. if i was home for a summer saturday right now, i'd most likely be barefoot in the sand somewhere. because going barefoot in the city is somewhat of a health threat, our saturday here was spent walking {} up & down the waverly place street festival.

but, some things are a summer-time classic wherever you go.

watermelon on a hot day is one of them.

after a voyage to the whole foods store {located in east egypt, ny}, dinner was home-made pizza margherita. whole wheat dough+fresh tomatos, basil & mozzarella. that plus a 6-pack of bud light lime & blue moon, tastes like summer!

memorial day was spent along the hudson again, but this time in the harbour. seeing the boats full sail on the choppy water was another reminder of home.

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